The Tao of AnyCloudIT

To Build Solutions for AI First Organization, We must follow Some Core Principles and Develop Culture around them, AnyCloudIT Founding team Inspired and learned from Hashicorp Founders (Armon Dadgar, Mitchell Hashimoto ) ThoughtWorks – (Rebecca Parsons , Martin Fowler), Airbnb and Atlassian Design Systems.

Prefer Evolvable over Predictable

AnyCloudIT follows a solution-oriented approach and gives the business solution in the best possible way to leveraging current technology. We prefer to build evolvability into the software. Because projects constantly change in both explicit and unexpected ways throughout their life.

Modularity and Coupling

Modularity and coupling is a crucial part of software architecture to make incremental changes in the system. We follow the modular structure and keep things highly decoupled to support quick and easy changes. The individual components are functional on their own and can be combined with any system that requires it.

Culture of Automation

Manual systems take a lot of efforts and resources. To support continuous and quicker changes, automated tools are required as the manual operators don’t scale with demand. We automate the process to reduce human errors and to increase productivity. From machine provisioning to deployment pipeline we follow automation and prefer automated testing in the fast-changing environment.

Make Decisions Reversible

Undoubtedly, a system that aggressively evolves will fail in unexpected ways. To overcome this, changes are versioned and stored to keep a process where reversible decisions can be made. It will prevent future occurrences when failures occur. We follow DevOps practices for the automation of reversible decisions.

Performance and Scalability

Achieving high performance and extreme scalability requires a careful balance of architecture, operations, and other factors. Building solutions for performance and scalability for success in our products to make sure things work well under pressure are our key to building effective systems.

Elastic Systems

Systems that don’t fall easily and recover themselves. To achieve this, systems should be built in a way that it can return to a desirable state when something unexpected happens. Our products and solutions are designed to achieve high reliability. The focus is to attain self-healing and auto recovery.

Multidimensional Architecture

Focusing one aspect of the architecture is not enough, here we look into every dimension of the architecture. Technical architecture is just one dimension of the architecture. Our core principle of evolvability consider all parts of the system that change effects. Security dimension is our prime concern in products.